CNBC reporter Eamon Javers released a news on Wednesday about an attack on Twitter that a hacker group posted on the Dark Web, “These people are beyond privacy and security. I really hope that their services are better than what I saw as an insider. If you’re interested in buying some databases, reach us.”
Attacker used LockBit, one of the ransomware variant that blocks users for accessing infected systems until the ransom is paid, to attack one of the world’s largest technology consulting firms.
Representative from Accenture released a statement, “Through our security controls and protocols, we identified irregular activity in one of our environments. We immediately contained the matter and isolated the affected servers. We fully restored our affected systems from back up. There was no impact on Accenture’s operations, or on our clients’ systems.”
According to one of the reports released in August 2020, INTERPOL warned about spike in LockBit attacks on midsized companies in the Americas.
References: EMSISOFT – LockBit profile